Upanishad Shanti Mantra for Peace

Om Sahana Vavatu
Sahanau Bhunaktu
Saha Viryam KaravaVahai
Tejashvi NavadhiTamastu
Ma VidVishaVahai
Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantihi
Om, May we all be protected.
May we all be nourished.
May we work together with great energy.
May our intellect be sharpened, and may our study be compelling.
Let there be no Animosity among us.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Dhyana Slokas (Gajananam Prayer) (-)

Dhyana Slokas (Gajananam Prayer) is a powerful mantra that brings the mind inward. It is a great mantra to focus one’s energy when beginning something new. It is a prayer for healing through receptivity, proper effort, endurance, and victory over inertia, dysfunction & disease.

Gajananam Bhutagaanadi Sevitam
Kapittha Jambu Phala Saara Bhakshakam
Uma Sutam Shokavinaasha Kaaranam
Namaami Vigneshvara Paada Pankajam
I prostrate myself before the lotus feet of
Vigneshvara (Ganesha),
the son of Uma, who destroys sorrow,
who is served by the host of angels,
who has the face of an elephant,
who partakes of the essence of kapittha and
jambu fruits.
Shadananam Kumkuma Raktavarnam
Mahaamatim Divya Mayura Vaahanam
Rudrasya Sunam Surasainya Natham
Guhaam Sadaaham Sharanam Prapadye
May the Goddess Saraswati, who wears a garland
white like the kunda-flower, the moon, and the snow,
who is adorned with pure white clothes,
whose hands are ornamented with the vina and
the gesture of blessings, who is seated on a white Lotus,
who is always worshiped by Brahma, Vishnu, Siva
and other gods, who is the remover of all inertness
and laziness, protect me.
Yaa Kundendu Tushaara Haara Dhavalaa
Yaa Shubhra Vastraavritaa
Yaa Vina Varadanda Mantita Karaa
Yaa Shvetaa Padmaasanaa
Yaa Brahmaachyuta Shankara Prabhritibhi
Devaihi Sadaa Pujitaa
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavati
Nishesha Jaadyaapahaa
May the Goddess Saraswati, who wears a garland
white like the kunda-flower, the moon and the snow,
who is adorned with pure white clothes,
whose hands are ornamented with the vina and
the gesture of blessings, who is seated on a white Lotus,
who is always worshiped by Brahma, Vishnu, Siva
and other gods, who is the remover of all inertness
and laziness, protect me.
Om Namah Shivaaya Gurave
Sat-chit-ananda Murtaye
Nishprapanchaaya Shaantaaya
Sri Sivanandaya Te Namaha
Sri Vishnudevanandaya Te Namaha
Salutations to Guru Shiva, who is the embodiment of
Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute,
in whom worldliness does not exist,
who is ever peaceful.
Salutations to Sri Sivananda,
Salutations to Swami Vishnudevananda.
Om Sarve Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Trayambake Gauri
Naaraayani Namostute
Naaraayani Namostute
I salute the three-eyed Divine Mother Narayani,
who brings auspiciousness and who fulfills all the
desires of the devotee (both spiritual and material).
Om Shanti, Shanti, ShantiOm Peace, peace, peace

Gayatri Mantra (-)

Regular chanting of the Gayatri Mantra improves concentration and learning abilities, calms the mind, and helps to reduce stress and anxiety. The Gayatri Mantra will protect us from harm wherever we are, whether in a bus or car, in a railway train or in a plane, in a bazaar, or on the road. Brahmaprakasa (the effulgence of Brahman) will descend on us and illumine our spiritual path when we chant the Gayatri Mantra.

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
Let us meditate on Isvara and His Glory
who has created the Universe,
who is fit to be worshipped,
who is the remover of all sins and ignorance.
May he enlighten our intellect.

Mahāmrityunjaya Mantra (-)

ॐ त्र्य॑म्बकं यजामहे सु॒गन्धिं॑ पुष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् ।
उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान् मृ॒त्योर्मु॑क्षीय॒ माऽमृता॑॑त् ।।

The Mahāmrityunjaya Mantra is a powerful and divine mantra of protection, good health, peace, prosperity, long life, and freedom. It should be recited in 3, 9, 27, 54, or 108 repetitions.

oṃ tryámbakaṃ yajāmahe
sugandhíṃ puṣṭivardhánam |
urvārukamíva bandhánān

mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtā́t ||
We meditate on the three eyes of the Absolute
That permeates and nourishes everything like a sweet fragrance.
Just as the ripe cucumber is released from its bondage to the stem,
So may we be freed from death to dwell in immortality.

Mangalam Mantra

In Sanskrit, Mangalam means auspicious, and Mangala means Mars. Mangala also relates to Goddess Durga, who represents divine cosmic energy.

Translation: May there be peace in earth, water, fire, and air, the sky, sun, moon, and planet (world), in all living beings, in body, mind, and heart (soul). May that peace be everywhere and in everyone.

भूमि मंगलम (भूमि मंगलम)
उदका मंगलम (उदका मंगलम)
अग्नि मंगलम (अग्नि मंगलम)
वायु मंगलम (वायु मंगलम)
गगन मंगलम (गगन मंगलम)
सूर्य मंगलम (सूर्य मंगलम)
चन्द्र मंगलम (चन्द्र मंगलम)
जगत मंगलम (जगत मंगलम)
जीवा मंगलम (जीवा मंगलम)
देहा मंगलम (देहा मंगलम)
मनो मंगलम (मनो मंगलम)
आत्मा मंगलम (आत्मा मंगलम)
सर्व मंगलम भवतु भवतु भवतु
सर्व मंगलम भवतु भवतु भवतु
सर्व मंगलम भवतु भवतु भवतु
The earth (bhumi) is blessed (mangalam), 
Water (udaka) is blessed (mangalam),
Fire (agni) is blessed (mangalam),
Wind (vayu) is blessed (mangalam),
Sky (gagana) is blessed (mangalam),
Sun (surya) is blessed (mangalam),
Moon (chandra) is blessed (mangalam),
Our planet (jagat) is blessed (mangalam),
Life (jiva) is blessed (mangalam),
The body (deha) is blessed (mangalam),
The mind (mano) is blessed (mangalam),
The spirit (atma) is blessed (mangalam), 
Everything (sarva) is blessed, let it be (bhavatu)…
Everything (sarva) is blessed, let it be (bhavatu)…
Everything (sarva) is blessed, let it be (bhavatu)…

Mantras for Peace

Om Sarvesām Svastir Bhavatu
Sarvesām Śāntir Bhavatu
Sarvesām Pūrnam Bhavatu
Sarvesām Mangalam Bhavatu
May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Fulfilment in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All.
May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Fulfillment in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All.
May we all be happy.
May we all be healthy and free from illness.
May we all be prosperous.
May no one ever suffer in any way.
Asato Mā Sat Gamaya
Tamaso Mā Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Mā Amrtam Gamaya
Lead me from ignorance to truth.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality
Om Pūrnamada Pūrnamidam
Pūrnāt Pūrnam Udachyate
Pūrnasya Pūrnam Ādāya
Everything is complete and whole. I am also complete and whole.
From wholeness, wholeness is created.
If wholeness is removed from wholeness,
What remains again is the whole.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.

Surya Namaskara Mantras (-)

#AsanaMantraEnglish Meaning
1.Pranamasana (Prayer)Om Mitraya NamahaSalutations to the friend of all
2.Hasta Utthanasana (Raised Arms)Om Ravaye NamahaSalutations to the shining one
3.Padahastasana (Hand to Foot)Om Suryaya NamahaSalutations to the one who induces activity
4.Ashwa Sanchalasana (Equestrian)Om Bhanave NamahaSalutations to the one who illumines
5.Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana (High Plank)
Parvatasana (Mountain)
Om Khagaya NamahaSalutations to the one who moves quickly in the sky
6. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff)
Ashtanga Namaskara (Knee-Chest-Chin)
Om Pushne NamahaSalutations to the giver of strength and nourishment
7.Bhujangasana (Cobra)Om Hiranya Garbhaya NamahaSalutations to the golden cosmic self
8. Parvatasana (Mountain) Om Marichaye NamahaSalutations to the Lord of the Dawn
9.Ashwa Sanchalasana (Equestrian)Om Adityaya NamahaSalutations to the son of Aditi, the cosmic Mother
10. Padahastasana (Hand to Foot) Om Savire NamahaSalutations to the stimulating power of the Sun
11. Hasta Utthanasana (Raised Arms) Om Arkaya NamahaSalutations to the one who is fit to be praised
12. Pranamasana (Prayer) Om Bhaskaraya NamahaSalutations to the one who leads to enlightenment
Om Shree SavitraSuryaNarayanaya NamahaSurya (Sun) is sending blessings out to the whole universe.
A – HK – OP – Z Mantras of Planets
Dattatreya Dantras
Dhanvantari Mantras
Durga Mantras
Ganga Mantras
Ganesha Mantras
Gaytri Mantras
Hanuman Mantras
Kali Mantras
Kartikeya Mantras
Krishna Mantras
Kubera Mantras
Lakshmi Mantras
Narasimha Mantras
Parvati Mantras
Radha Mantras
Rama Mantras
Saraswati Mantras
Shiva Mantras
Vishnu Mantras
Vishvakarma Mantras
Surya (Sun) Mantras
Chandra (Moon)Mantras
Mangal (Mars) Mantras
Budhi (Mercury) Mantras
Guru (Jupiter) Mantras
Shukra (Venus) Mantras
Shani (Saturn) Mantras
Rahu Mantras
Ketu Mantras
Navagraha Mantras
Mantra “OM”
Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya
Navaratri Mantras
Ekadashi Mantras

Vastu Mantras

Budhi (Mercury) Mantras

Chandra (Moon) Mantras

Dattatreya Mantras

Dhanvantari Mantras

Durga Mantras

Ganesha Mantras

Gaytri Mantras

Guru (Jupiter) Mantras

Hanuman Mantras

Krishna Mantras

Lakshmi Mantras

Navagraha Dhyāna Ślōkam (-)

ādityāya cha sōmāya maṅgaḻāya budhāya cha
guru śukra śanibhyaścha rāhavē kētavē namaḥ

Brahma – Murari – Tripurantakari (-)

ब्रह्मा मुरारिस्त्रिपुरान्तकारी
भानुः शशी भूमिसुतो बुधश्च ।
गुरुश्च शुक्रः शनिराहुकेतवः
कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सुप्रभातम्
Brahmaa Muraari-Tripuraantakaarii
Bhaanuh Shashii Bhuumisuto Budhash-Cha|
Gurush-Cha Shukrah Shani-Raahu-Ketavah
Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhaatam
1.1: (In the early morning, I remember) The Devas Brahma, Murari (The enemy of demon Mura, refers to Sri Krishna or Vishnu) and Tripurantakari (The One Who has brought an end to Tripurasuras, refers to Sri Shiva), …
1.2: … The Planets Bhanu (The Sun), Shashi (The Moon), Bumisuta (Mars) and Budha (Mercury), …
1.3: … Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu and Ketu, …
1.4: May all of them make my Morning Auspicious.

Mangal (Mars) Mantras

Parvati Mantras

Sarasvati Mantras

Shani (Saturn) Mantras

Shukra (Venus) Mantras

Om Shum Shukraya NamahaThis Shukra beej mantra is made of a seed sound representing the planet Venus.(-)
Om namo bhagavate parashuramayaI have great respect for the Supreme Godhead, Parasurama,
who gives protection from all inauspicious phenomena arising from the defects of the planet Venus.

Vishnu Mantras

References: <Books and sites>, <Mantry>