Ashtanga: Ashta ( Eight), Anga(Part, Limb);  Yoga: comes from the word Yoke (Union, Control)

  1. Yama: Prohibition of unethical behavior, restraints (control behavior to develop a conflict-free life )
    1. Ahimsa: non-harming, non-violence, non-injury
    2. Satya: non-lying, truthfulness
    3. Asteya: non-stealing, lack of jealousy
    4. Brahmacharya: no improper use of energy
    5. Aparigraha: non-greed, non-grasping
    6. Ksama: non hold a grudge against anyone; forgiveness
    7. Dhrti: don’t give up; fortitude
    8. Daya: non-indifference, compassion
    9. Arjava: non-hypocrisy, sincerity
    10. Mitahara: no overeating, measured diet
  2. Niyama: Gaining virtues
    1. Saucha: Cleanliness, purity (external and internal)
    2. Santosha: Contentment
    3. Tapas: austerity (intensive spiritual effort)
    4. Svadhyaya: Study
    5. Ishvara Pranidhana: Prayer
  3. Asana: physical postures and movements (control body)
  4. Pranayama: control of the vital energy, breathing techniques (control breath)
  5. Pratyahara: withdrawal of the senses from objects, controlling the mind
  6. Dharana: concentration, gazing inward
  7. Dhyana: meditation with an object
  8. Samadhi: absorption, super-conscious state (meditation without object)

YAMA and NIYAMA practice develops a lifestyle that effectively supports the practice of meditation.

ASANA, PRANAYAMA, and PRATYAHARA prepare the body and mind for meditation.

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